Would you like to sell Unisa products in your shop?
Please do not hesitate to contact us and we will provide you will all the information you need to become a Unisa retailer. Simply send an email to info@unisa-europa.com and we will get in touch with you shortly.
You can also contact us by writing a letter to the following address:
Unisa Europa, S.A.
Polígono Chinorlet XB-56
03649 Chinorlet – Monóvar (Alicante)
Or give us a call on the following number:
Tel: +0034 966 97 96 10
Would you like to work for Unisa?
Please send us an email to anto@unisa-europa.com with the subject Curriculum including your CV attached and a presentation letter explaining the reasons why you want to work for us. Due to the high number of applications received, Unisa shall not be able to reply to all emails received, however, we shall do our best.
Press contact.
If you run a magazine, blog, fashion website or any other specialised press media, please get in touch with us at the following email address:
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