
Platform shoes

For extra comfort and height
  • Unisa Sandalias NARIE_KS skin 35%
    Suede strappy sandal 159.90 € 99.90 €
  • Unisa Bolsos medianos ZCATI_RC ivory/natu 20%
    Handbag with knots 129.90 € 99.90 €
  • Sandalia de rafia con plataforma
  • 10%
  • Unisa Sandalias ODRAN_24_NS skin 10%
  • Unisa Sandalias OMEGA_KS black 40%
    Suede sandal with trim 149.90 € 89.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias OMEGA_NS skin 40%
    Suede sandal with trim 149.90 € 89.90 €
  • Sandalia de rafia con plataforma
  • UNISA Bolso pequeño de mano ZDREAMIN_24_EV Bronce 20%
    Small handbag 89.90 € 69.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias NARIE_NS ivory 35%
    Leather strappy sandal 159.90 € 99.90 €
  • UNISA Sandalia de vestir pala y talón ORIANE_KS Bronce 45%
  • Unisa Bolsos pequeños ZAILEN_KS POMME 15%
    Bucket bag 109.90 € 89.90 €
  • UNISA Sandalia de vestir pala y talón ORIANE_KS Bronce 45%
  • Unisa Bolsos pequeños ZAILEN_KS skin 15%
    Bucket bag 109.90 € 89.90 €
  • UNISA Sandalia de vestir pala y talón ORIANE_KS Bronce 45%
  • UNISA Sandalia de vestir pala y talón ORIANE_KS Bronce 45%
  • UNISA Sandalia de vestir con plataforma OMAR_KS Bronce 50%
  • UNISA Sandalia de vestir con plataforma OMAR_KS Bronce 50%
  • Unisa Sandalias SCOTY_EV platino 45%
    Strappy sandal 149.90 € 79.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SCOTY_KS black 45%
    Strappy sandal 149.90 € 79.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias OLSEN_KS skin 25%
    Sandal with a suede block 109.90 € 79.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SANFOR_GRA CANNELLE 50%
    SuperLight Mule 139.90 € 69.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SORO_24_EV platino 20%
    Shiny fabric sandal 139.90 € 109.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SADAKI_MEC mumm 40%
  • Unisa Sandalias SORO_24_KS BARBY 25%
    Suede sandal 139.90 € 99.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SANFOR_MEC mumm 50%
    SuperLight mule 139.90 € 69.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SORO_24_KS black 25%
    Suede sandal 139.90 € 99.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SORO_24_KS jeans 25%
    Suede sandal 139.90 € 99.90 €
  • Unisa Sandalias SORO_24_KS skin 25%
    Suede sandal 139.90 € 99.90 €
  • Unisa Bolsos de mano ZDREAMIN_24_LMT ballet 20%
    Small handbag 99.90 € 79.90 €
  • Unisa Botines KENDAL_BS wengue 50%
    Boot with a track platform 210.00 € 99.90 €
  • Unisa Botines KENDAL_MAR black 50%

Platform sandals. Elegance and comfort!

Platforms as we know them today became fashionable in the 1970s.

Sandals, boots, shoes, any kind of footwear with a platform are synonymous with femininity. Women use this type of footwear to see their legs longer and their body with better posture. Platforms are shoes that provide better support than a stiletto or a high-heeled shoe, because with the platform it is easier to keep your balance on the block as it is thick and wide and has a separate wide heel.

They also provide more arch support which reduces foot and ankle problems

This footwear has a very flattering retro style

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