Ecological and environmental manifesto
Unisa loves the planet
Unisa ya tiene 50 años
Unisa is already 50 years old.

Everything has happened so fast, much faster than any of us could imagine. Now it is the time to walk firmly towards a more responsible attitude to our society and the environment.

Integrating the ecological conscience, both internally and externally in our company, has become a priority for us. We want to create the future by looking forward but also by looking around us.

Our main goal is to reduce the carbon footprint caused by the industry, contributing to improve the environment and the wellness society. Honestly, humbly and transparently, we want to share our commitment and what we do with the rest of the world.

That’s our way to move forward, step by step, slowly but surely.

Olivos + texto today

All our online orders are delivered in boxes made 100% of recycled paper. This way we reduce the number of trees cut down and our CO2 emissions, and we save water too.

Besides, all paper used to make our shopping bags is recycled. Both the paper and the wood used to make them are PEFC certified, which promotes the sustainable management of forests all over the world, this way protecting biodiversity, ecosystems and fighting climate change.

All our cartons are reused to the end of their life cycle, and later recycled. The same boxes are used in our stores, our headquarters and in further deliveries to our suppliers.

Our fight to remove all traces of plastic from our supply chain includes the replacement of the plastic sticks used to keep the form of our shoes by pressed cardboard ones. We have also replaced the paper fillings at the toe by recycled paper ones. Moreover, we have completely eliminated plastic bags from inside our shoe boxes.

Today + Xinorlet

Unisa defends Nature, environmental protection and fair trade. We select maximum quality leather from the top tanneries around the world to produce our shoes, always meeting the highest requirements in terms of health, safety and environment sustainability. We make sure they have been tanned under the strictest processes of environmental safety. Our animal print leather is never made from protected species, but from cow or goatskins that are embossed and treated to get the exotic effect and texture.

Unisa is committed with the development of sustainable products and has created a collection of shoes and bags made in PET fabric, obtained from recycled plastic bottles.

Reusing must be a global responsibility to respect our planet. For this reason, and to promote the recycling of used materials, Unisa has developed the new brands Ecolino and Ecowool, based on textile materials made 100% out of used plastic bottles. Resistant, long-lasting, light and very colorful, but most of all ecological.

Moreover, season after season we are increasing the number of styles made in vegetable-tanned leather, using no chemical substance that can be dangerous neither to our customers nor for the environment.

We reuse the office paper in our Unisa headquarters. This way we reduce air pollution and minimize the water needed to produce new materials.

The waste bins from every workstation have been removed to be replaced by by-department recycling containers; we carry out a selective collection of waste, stopping the dumping of tons of waste that this way can be reused. Therefore, we lower water consumption, we save energy and diminish air pollution.

We provide our staff with company vans to commute to work everyday to contribute to transport sharing. We reduce the emission of pollutant gases produced by internal combustion motors, caused by ineffcient driving, and the residues generated during repairing and maintenance processes.

We have installed solar panels for self-supply in our headquarters. We contribute actively to protect the environment, as solar energy is “healthy”, sustainable and renewable, it’s non-polluting and helps fight climate change.

Unlike other Spanish companies, we have implemented uninterrupted work shifts for all our staff works members to make the best out of daylight, and help contribute to diminish the environment impact and ecological footprint.

Florecillas + tomorrow

We are fully aware that there is still a lot to do ahead of us, and we have big plans for the seasons to come. We want to continue building up our commitment with sustainability step by step. And for that we intend to:

• Replace the plastic tape by vegetable tape in all production processes.

• Make further use of digital systems to avoid unnecessary printing and paper waste.

• Expand our already existing automatic lights system in common areas and low busy areas.

• Establish circular economy, recycling and reusing our own used cardboard at the end of its life cycle.

Taking action for the future
Taking action for the future

We know the effort is worth it, and if you are not part of the solution you become part of the problem.

• Complete removal of non-reusable plastic in all processes by 2021.

• Getting ISO 14001 Certification, officially proving Unisa as a company committed with the environment.

• Using our own solar energy in our electric transport, both for company cars and staff members private vehicles.

Now it's your turn! Reduce, reuse, recycle and love our planet the way we love you.

We ♥ You

Environmental policy

UNISA EUROPA, SA is aware that, in addition to quality, the respect for the environment is also essential in any business activity. For this reason, we have implemented an Environmental Management System in accordance with the international ISO-14001 standard, in order to integrate and develop it in its business of: "Design, manufacturing and distribution of footwear and handbags".

To this end, the management is committed to promoting among all the staff of the organisation, the knowledge and active compliance of this policy, which will serve as a guide and on which environmental objectives are established to achieve products and services in accordance with the requirements of customers and respecting the environment.

Our commitments to the environmental protection are established taking into account the context that surrounds us and are made known to the different interested parties, in order to facilitate their compliance.

- November 2021 -


Meeting the environmental requirements of our customers is one of our strongest commitments,

complying with the internal environmental requirements established for each product and service offered, as well as contemplating the environmental suggestions communicated by our customers.


We are committed to complying with the legal requirements and those assumed voluntarily,

environmental requirements applicable to our activity.


To inform, train and raise awareness among our employees and interested parties in order to protect the environment

throughout the entire life cycle of our activity, integrating sustainable development criteria, rational use of resources, circular economy actions and promoting the use of renewable energies.


People are a fundamental resource of our company

We are therefore committed to favouring and promoting communication, consultation and interaction, in a participative environment to provide sustainable workplaces.


Allocating training, technical and economic

means is the foundeation that will help us to curb and prevent environmental pollution at source, by committing to continuous improvement.

- January 2024 -


-12% reduction of the water consumption.


-20% reduction of the Electricity consumption.


-29% reduction of the Chemicals consumed.


-38% reduction of Waste.


-44% reduction of Paper.


Renewable Energy Consumption: 41%

- Declaração Ambiental para Fornecedores -

Incentivar o uso de materiais de origem sustentável para os produtos, eliminando ou reduzindo o uso de produtos químicos perigosos.

Gerir de forma segura as águas residuais geradas nas instalações, para evitar a contaminação do solo ou dos cursos de água.

Reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa na atmosfera, priorizando meios de transporte limpos e planejando rotas de entrega dos produtos/serviços.

Gerir todos os resíduos e promover a reutilização, reciclagem e recuperação.

Utilizar materiais sustentáveis para as embalagens, promovendo ainda a redução do uso destas.

Contribuir para a conscientização ambiental, promovendo a formação e a informação sobre os aspectos ambientais entre os colaboradores e parceiros.

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