Politica sui cookie
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  • Politica sui cookie
    UNISA Cookies policy

    1. Data controller of personal data: The data controller of the data obtained through the Website is UNISA EUROPA, S.A., which has its registered office in Polígono Chinorlet XB-56, 03649 Chinorlet, Monóvar (Alicante) – Spain, has been duly registered in the Companies Register of Alicante in volume 1458, register 0, page 90, Sheet A- 14420, and its TIN is: A03779949. It is referred to hereinafter as, UNISA.

    You can effectively and directly get in touch with UNISA about this cookies policy by sending a message to this email address protecciondatos@unisa-europa.com

    2. What are Cookies?:
    A cookie is a device or a small file that the server of this Website sends to the browser of the terminal (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) that you connect to, in order to store information about your browsing from this terminal; which can, where appropriate, be recovered later on.

    2.1. Types of cookies: There are different categories of cookies, but the same cookies might be included in more than one category:

    2.1.1. Types of cookies affected by the applicable regulation: A distinction can be made between “exempt” and “non-exempt” cookies:

    a) “Exempt” cookies: would be those that are essential and strictly necessary for the Website to work correctly and to be able to use the different options and services that it provides.

    So, it is understood that cookies are excluded from the scope of application of article 22.2 of the Law 34/2002, dated the 11th of July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE), and therefore, it would not be necessary to inform or obtain the consent on the use of them. Exempt cookies include:

    “User input” cookies
    User authentication or identification cookies (only session)
    User security cookies
    Multimedia player session cookies
    Load balancer session cookies
    User interface customisation cookies
    Add-in cookies (plug-in) to share social content.

    b) “Non-exempt” cookies: would be those that are subject to the scope of application of article 22.2 of the LSSI-CE and therefore users must be informed that they are used and they must give their consent for this. This applies to all types of cookies that are not described as being the aforesaid exempt cookies.

    2.1.2. Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them:

    According to the entity that manages the equipment or the domain from where the cookies are sent and processes the data that they obtain, we can distinguish:

    - First-party cookies: are those that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from equipment or a domain that is run by the owner/editor of the Website and from where the service requested by the user is provided.

    - Third-party cookies: are those that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from equipment or a domain that is not run by the owner/editor of the Website, but rather by another entity that processes the data that is obtained through the cookies. If the cookies are installed from equipment or a domain run by the actual owner/editor of the Website, but the information that they obtain is managed by a third party, they cannot be considered to be first-party cookies.

    2.1.3. Types of cookies according to the amount of time that they stay active:

    - Session cookies: they are cookies that are designed to obtain and store data while the user visits a website. They are normally used to store information that is only worth keeping to provide the service requested by the user on one occasion.

    - Persistent cookies: they are cookies in which the data continues to be stored in the terminal and they can be accessed and processed for a period of time that is established by whoever is in charge of the cookie, which can be from a few minutes to various years.

    2.1.4. Type of cookies according to their purpose:

    According to the purpose for which the data obtained through the cookies is processed, a distinction can be made among:

    - Technical/functional cookies: are exempt cookies that let the user browse around a website, platform or application and use the different options or services that exist in it, such as, for example, monitor the traffic and the data communication, identify the session, access restricted access areas, recall items that are included in an order, carry out the purchase process of an order, request registration or to take part in an event, store content to broadcast videos or sound or share content through social media sites.

    - Secure cookies: exempt cookies that let the user use secure elements while browsing.

    - Customization cookies: they are exempt cookies that let the user access the service with certain predefined general characteristics according to certain criteria in the user’s terminal such as for example the language, the type of browser through which the service is accessed, the regional configuration from where the service is accessed, etc.

    - Analysis cookies: they are non-exempt cookies that let whoever is in charge of them, follow-up and analyse the behaviour of the users of the websites that are associated with them. The information obtained through this type of cookie is used to determine the activity of the websites, application or platform and to create browsing profiles of the users of these websites, applications and platforms, in order to make improvements according to the analysis of the data concerning the users’ use of the service.

    - Advertising cookies: they are non-exempt cookies that help manage advertising spaces as efficiently as possible, which, where appropriate, the editor has included in a website, application or platform from where the requested service is provided according to criteria such as the edited content or the frequency with which the adverts are shown.

    - Behavioural advertising cookies: they are non-exempt cookies that help run the advertising spaces as efficiently as possible, which, where appropriate, the editor has included in a website, application or platform from where the requested service is rendered. These cookies store information about the users’ behaviour, which is obtained by continually observing their browsing habits, so that a specific profile can be created to show advertising according to this.

    3. What cookies are used in the UNISA Website?:

    The cookies that are installed, whether they are UNISA first-party or third party cookies, the name of the cookie, its purpose and the persistency in the user’s device are all mentioned in the following tables:

    Technical and functional Cookies:

    Owner Cookie Purpose Persistency
    creativecdn.com ts Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 1 years
    u 1 years
    unisa-europa.com _hjSession_896736 Used by Hotjar Session
    _lang It keeps the user’s language preferences for a website. 1 years
    _langSelected Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 1 years
    _pais 1 years
    click_menu_account 9 hours
    cookies 1 years
    cookies_analitica 1 years
    cookies_marketing 1 years
    crosselling_2 9 hours
    cto_bundle 1 years
    etuix 1 years
    GResponse Session
    oct8ne-active-tab-id Session
    oct8ne-first-enter Session
    YiiSession Session
    ps_analytics Used to track which photos or galleries the visitor has viewed. Used to report the preferences of a specific user for marketing purposes. 1 month


    Analysis Cookies:

    Owner Cookie Purpose Persistency
    metricool.com _ga ID used to identify the users. 11 months
    unisa-europa.com _ga 1 years
    _gid ID used to identify the users for 24 hours after the last activity. 1 day
    metricool.com _ga_XNWPVKYTBS Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 11 months
    crisp-client%2Fsession%2F15b0c028-f728-4a4f-add2-7657188bddac Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 7 months
    unisa-europa.com _ga_SFREMBMHXF 1 years
    _hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress Session
    _hjIncludedInPageviewSample Session
    _hjIncludedInSessionSample Used by Hotjar Session
    _hjSessionUser_896736 Used by Hotjar to store a unique user ID. 1 years

    Advertising Cookies:

    Owner Cookie Purpose Persistency
    bing.com MUID It identifies the unique website browsers that visit the Microsoft sites. These cookies are used to produce advertising, analyse websites and other operational purposes. 1 years
    criteo.com uid It contains a unique identifier to identify a user. 1 years
    doubleclick.net IDE This cookie is used for the orientation, the analysis and the optimization of the advertising campaigns in DoubleClick / Google Marketing Suite 1 years
    google.com 1P_JAR These cookies are established through embedded YouTube videos. They record the anonymous statistics about, for example, how many times the video is played and the configurations that are used to play it. 1 month
    APISID Download certain tools from Google and keep certain preferences, for example, the number of results of the search per sheet or the activation of the SafeSearch filter. It adjusts the adverts that appear in the Google search. 1 years
    HSID 1 years
    NID These cookies are used to collect statistics about the website and track the conversion rates and the customization of the Google ads. 7 months
    __Secure-3PAPISID These cookies are used to deliver the most relevant advertisements for you and for your interests. 1 years
    __Secure-3PSID 1 years
    __Secure-1PAPISID Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 1 years
    __Secure-1PSID 1 years
    __Secure-1PSIDCC 1 years
    __Secure-3PSIDCC 1 years
    AEC 3 months
    SEARCH_SAMESITE SameSite stops the browser sending this cookie together with the requests between websites. The main objective is to reduce the risk of cross-origin information leakage. It also provides a certain amount of protection against cross-site request forgery attacks. 3 months
    __Secure-ENID Google allows you to customize how ads are viewed outside of Google or to store information such as preferred language when displaying search results. 11 months
    OTZ Aggregate analysis of the visitors of the website. 1 month
    SAPISID Download certain Google tools and save certain preferences, for example, the number of results of the search per sheet or the activation of the SafeSearch file. It adjusts the adverts that appear in the Google search. 1 years
    SID 1 years
    SIDCC 1 years
    SSID 1 years
    google.es APISID 1 years
    HSID 1 years
    NID 7 months
    SAPISID 1 years
    SID 1 years
    SSID 1 years
    __Secure-1PAPISID Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 1 years
    __Secure-1PSID 1 years
    __Secure-ENID 11 months
    SEARCH_SAMESITE SameSite stops the browser sending this cookie together with the requests between websites. The main objective is to reduce the risk of cross-origin information leakage. It also provides a certain amount of protection against cross-site request forgery attacks. 4 months
    metricool.com _fbp Used by Facebook to supply a number of products such as advertising, real time offers from third party advertisers. 4 days
    _gcl_au Used by Google AdSense to experiment with the advertising through the efficiency of the websites that use its services. 4 days
    unisa-europa.com _fbp Used by Facebook to supply a number of products such as advertising, real time offers from third party advertisers. 3 months
    _gcl_au Used by Google AdSense to experiment with the advertising through the efficiency of the websites that use its services. 3 months
    ct.pinterest.com _pinterest_ct_ua Used by Pinterest to track the use of the services. 1 years
    e-planning.net E Used by e-planning to track the use of the services. 2 years
    unisa-europa.com __rtbh.lid Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 1 years
    _pin_unauth Used by Pinterest 1 years
    _uetsid Used by Bing Ads to track users 1 day
    _uetvid Used by Bing Ads to follow up on users 1 years
    kk_leadtag Used by Kelkoo Salestracking to store actions performed on the web. 1 years

    Customization Cookies:

    Owner Cookie Purpose Persistency
    unisa-europa.com twk_uuid_5e29ba5f8e78b86ed8aabfff Cookie needed to use the options and the services of the website. 6 months

    More information about third-party cookies:

    Editor Privacy policy
    Adform https://site.adform.com/privacy-center/overview
    Bing / Microsoft https://account.microsoft.com/account/privacy
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy
    Google https://safety.google/

    4. Information about how to accept or reject the cookies and/or block and/or eliminate the cookies: The cookies will only be installed if you have accepted this in the way stated in the information banner that appears as soon as you access the Website (1st information layer about the cookies policy). If you decide to reject the installation of cookies, the exempt cookies will not be installed, only those that are merely used for technical or security purposes.

    Furthermore, you can manage the use of cookies through the browser that is installed in your device at any time.

    The website browsers are the tools that are in charge of storing the cookies and through their functions; you can eliminate or disable the cookies. This Website cannot guarantee the correct or incorrect handling of the cookies by the aforesaid browsers. In some cases cookies have to be installed so that the browser does not forget the user’s decision to not accept them.

    You can find information about the cookies that are installed in the main browsers, allow them to be installed, block them or delete them from your equipment in the following links:

    Chrome, from: https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/95647?hl=en

    Explorer, from: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/17442/windows-internet-explorer-delete-manage-Cookies

    Firefox, from: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/enable-and-disable-Cookies-website-preferences?redirect=no

    Safari, from: https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/safari/sfri11471/mac

    There are third party tools, available online, which let users detect the cookies in each website that they visit and disable them, such as for example Ghostery (https://www.ghostery.com/).

    5. Storage period: The information obtained by installing the cookies is kept for a two year period.

    6. Legitimization: The legal grounds for using cookies is the specific, free, clear, informed consent and by means of the clear affirmative action of the user.

    7. Recipients: The data obtained by installing cookies is not passed on to third parties that are not associated with UNISA, unless there is some type of legal obligation or your clear consent is requested.

    Nevertheless due to the use of plugins and third party accessories in the website, data might be passed on to the third parties specified in the cookies table that installs the Website.

    8. Rights of the interested party vis-à-vis UNISA: As an interested party that has provided us with your personal data, you are entitled to exercise the following rights that the applicable data protection regulations clearly acknowledge, pursuant to the provisions established in it:

    - Right to ACCESS your personal data.

    - Right to ask to have incorrect data CORRECTED.

    - Right to request the REMOVAL of your data, when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was obtained.

    - In certain circumstances, you can ask to have the PROCESSING of your data RESTRICTED, in which case we will only keep it to make claims or defend ourselves against them.

    - In certain circumstances and for reasons related to your particular situation, you can exercise your right to OBJECT to the processing of your data. We will stop processing the data, unless it is for compelling legitimate grounds, or to make claims or defend ourselves from any possible claims against us.

    - In certain circumstances and due to reasons related to your particular situation, you can exercise your right to ask for data PORTABILITY. It is a complementary right to the access right, which enables you to obtain the data that you have supplied us with in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format, which can be passed on directly to another entity after asking the interested party.

    As well as through the stated technical solutions, you can exercise these rights by asking to have a record made of your request being sent and received through any means, clearly stating your willingness in this sense and, where appropriate, include a copy of your DNI (Spanish National Identification Card Number) and/or any other document that proves your identity, to the aforesaid email address, or to the aforesaid postal address.

    Furthermore, if you think that any of your rights have been infringed upon, as an interested party, you are entitled to make a complaint at the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD), located in C/ Jorge Juan, 6, 28001-Madrid https://www.aepd.es/  or through the online office of the AEPD: https://sedeagpd.gob.es/sede-electronica-web/.

    Last update: January, 2023
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